HaBangNet Corp


Do you have a speedtest or IP for ping?


Below is the location we offer and you can do a download and upload speedtest using the link.

United States
Los Angeles, CA Datacenter - https://losangeles.usa.hbn.co/
Texas, Dallas Datacenter - https://dallas.usa.hbn.co/
Seattle, WA Datacenter - https://seattle.usa.hbn.co/
Salt Lake City, Utah Datacenter - https://utah.usa.hbn.co
Ottoville, Ohio Datacenter - https://ohio.usa.hbn.co
Detroit, MI Datacenter - Temporary Not Available
Chicago, Illinois Datacenter - Temporary Not Available
Philadelphia, PA Datacenter - https://pennsylvania.usa.hbn.co

Montral, QC Canada Datacenter - https://canada.hbn.co

Netherlands, Amsterdam Datacenter - https://netherlands.hbn.co
England, United Kingdom Datacenter - https://england.hbn.co
Germany, Frankfurt Datacenter - https://germany.hbn.co

Hong Kong BGP Datacenter - https://hongkong.hbn.co (Best Direct Connection to whole China, Mainland via ChinaNet Backbone Average is within 10ms-40ms)
Hong Kong CTGNet Datacenter - https://hongkong.ctg.hbn.co (Direct Route to China with CTGNet aka China Telecom Global or CTG-GIA, upgrade version of CN2-GIA)
Singapore BGP Datacenter - https://singapore.hbn.co
Tokyo, Japan Datacenter - https://japan.hbn.co
China, Shanghai ChinaNet Datacenter (DMCA Free Zone) - https://shanghai.habangnet.cn
China, ChinaNet Datacenter (DMCA Free Zone) - https://chinanet.habangnet.cn
Seoul, South Korea Datacenter - https://korea.hbn.co
Jakarta, Indonesia Datacenter - https://indonesia.hbn.co
Thailand, Bangkok Datacenter - thailand.hbn.co (Ping only on listed domain)
Bahrain BGP Datacenter - bahrain.hbn.co (Ping only on listed domain)
Bangladesh, Dhaka Datacenter - bangladesh.hbn.co (Ping only on listed domain)
China, Beijing BGP Datacenter (DMCA Free Zone) - (ICP Needed for website hosted in China)

Australia Datacenter - https://australia.hbn.co/
Brazil, San Paulo Datacenter  - https://brazil.hbn.co
South Africa, Johannesburg Datacenter - africa.hbn.co (Ping only on listed domain)

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