HaBangNet Corp


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Hosted in China, Mainland BGP Datacenter (ICP Filling Needed)

If you intend to host any websites or domains, your domain must filed with ICP License first before you can access via External Network.

PS: But if you only intend to use it for testing without hosting or Windows RDP for surfing. You Do not need any ICP filling, straight away can use it.



SSD Storage Disk:50
Dedicated Ram:4096MB
Dedicated Premium Bandwidth:5Mbps Unmetered
Dedicated IPv4:1
Uptime SLA:99.99%
OS Supported:Win / Linux


With effect from 1st of July, new order will be automatic upgrade to 10Mbps Unmetered BGP Bandwidth for Free


Dedicated Core:2
SSD Storage Disk:100
Dedicated Ram:4096MB
Dedicated Premium Bandwidth:50Mbps Unmetered
Dedicated IPv4:1
Uptime SLA:99.99%
OS Supported:Win / Linux


50Mbps Dedicated China Telcom Bandwidth include China Telcom wide CDN within China, Mainland connection - unshared

CNCloud 618 Offer

2 Core
4GB Ram
40 GB SSD (OS Drive) + 20GB SSD (Data Drive)
10Mbps Dedicated Unmetered BGP Bandwidth
Can load with any Linux or Windows OS
1 Dedicated Ipv4
Fully Self-Managed
99.99% Uptime SLA
Free DdoS Protected
China, Shenzhen Datacenter

PS: All Hosted Domains or Website, can only accessible after ICP filling, As China Internet (MITT) Rules and Regulations Apply Strictly. But this don't apply to user who do not host any domain or website in the Cloud Server.

CNCloud Custom Offer

2 Core
4GB Ram
40 GB SSD (OS Drive) + 20GB SSD (Data Drive)
10Mbps Dedicated Unmetered BGP Bandwidth
Can load with any Linux or Windows OS
1 Dedicated Ipv4
Fully Self-Managed
99.99% Uptime SLA
Free DdoS Protected
China, Guangzhou Datacenter

PS: All Hosted Domains or Website, can only accessible after ICP filling, As China Internet (MITT) Rules and Regulations Apply Strictly. But this don't apply to user who do not host any domain or website in the Cloud Server.


Dedicated Core:4
SSD Storage Disk:120
Dedicated Ram:8192MB
Dedicated Premium Bandwidth:100Mbps Unmetered
Dedicated IPv4:1
Uptime SLA:99.99%
OS Supported:Win / Linux


100Mbps Dedicated China Telcom Bandwidth include China Telcom wide CDN within China, Mainland connection - unshared

CNCloud Storage 1TB

2 Core
4GB Ram
1TB = 1000GB SSD Storage
10Mbps Dedicated Unmetered BGP Bandwidth
1 Dedicated Ipv4
Fully Self-Managed
99.99% Uptime SLA
Storage Cloud does not support DDos Protection
China, Guangzhou Datacenter

PS: Please note that, this is only use for Cloud base FTP storage service, and does not support any hosted domain outgoing network support.

We recommend using CoreFTP Lite version which is opensource


2 Core
4GB Ram
200Mbps Unmetered BGP High Bandwidth
Can load with any Linux or Windows OS
1 Dedicated Ipv4
Fully Self-Managed
99.99% Uptime SLA
Free DdoS Protected
China, Shanghai Datacenter

PS: All Hosted Domains or Website, can only accessible after ICP filling, As China Internet (MITT) Rules and Regulations Apply Strictly. But this don't apply to user who do not host any domain or website in the Cloud Server.

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