HaBangNet Corp


CyberPanel Installing Guide


Installation of CyberPanel is fairly easy. The installation must be run as root (sudo will not work).



  • Centos 7.x (Recommended minimal version)
  • Python 2.7
  • 1024MB or above Ram.
  • 10GB Disk Space.

CyberPanel vs CyberPanel Ent!

CyberPanel comes with two versions one is simply called CyberPanel and other is Called CyberPanel Ent. CyberPanel comes with OpenLiteSpeed and is completely free for an unlimited number of domains and worker processes.


However CyberPanel Ent comes with LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise, it is free for 1 domain. If you need more than 1 domain then you can view pricing on the pricing page.

You can learn more about the difference between OpenLiteSpeed vs LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise and decide what best suits your needs.


Once installed CyberPanel and CyberPanel Ent works 100% the same from the front end, except one is running OpenLiteSpeed as the back-end and the other runs LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise.

Installing CyberPanel!

Following instructions will install CyberPanel (with OpenLiteSpeed), it is totally free and does not requires any kind of license, you can install using the single command.


  1. sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O - https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)

If installation fails on your platform you can submit bug report.

Installing CyberPanel Ent!

To install CyberPanel Ent, you first need to obtain a license key (it is free for 1 domain, but you still need to obtain the key). Visit the pricing table to decide your desired plan.

Obtain a License!

Before running the installation, you need to obtain a license. A license key will be asked for during installation.


On you’re on the command line terminal run the installation script as a single command:


  1. sh <(curl https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh || wget -O - https://cyberpanel.net/install.sh)

If the installation fails on your platform you can submit a bug report.


After the successful installation you can access CyberPanel using the details below (make sure to change):

  1. Visit:
  2. https::8090
  3. Username: admin
  4. Password: 1234567

Setup CyberPanel on valid SSL.

503 Error After Install

If you get a 503 error after installing CyberPanel, you can do one of the following things.

1. Check LSCPD Status.


  1. systemctl status lscpd

If LSCPD is not running, start LSCPD using:


  1. systemctl start lscpd

2. Manually set up virtualevn


  1. source /usr/local/CyberCP/bin/activate
  2. pip install --ignore-installed -r /usr/local/CyberCP/requirments.txt
  3. deactivate
  4. virtualenv --system-site-packages /usr/local/CyberCP
  5. systemctl restart gunicorn.socket

3. Install Logs

If after this you are still having issues, you can try to find errors in the install logs, they are located at:

  1. /var/log/installLogs.txt

Above Guide was

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